Linear Seismic Performance Analysis

Linear Seismic Performance Analysis

Linear performance analysis is the application of non-linear behavior with a linear calculation method, in which the SGDT approach is applied in the evaluation of the seismic performance of existing buildings. While applying linear performance analysis in existing buildings, Mode Combination Method is applied. Element damage types, application limits of linear performance analysis, strain and plastic rotation demands; determined using displaced axis rotations in columns, beams and shearwalls.

15.5.1. Calculation Methods

Linear calculation methods to be used to determine the earthquake performance of buildings are Equivalent Earthquake Load Method defined in 4.7 and Mode Combination Method defined in 4.8.2 . The following additional rules will apply to these methods. - Buildings for which Equivalent Earthquake Load Method can be applied are given in Table 4.4 . Additional eccentricity will not be taken into account in the earthquake calculation of buildings. In the calculation of the total equivalent earthquake load (base shear force) according to Equation (4.19) and Equation (4.8) , R a = 1 will be taken. - With the Mod Combination Method, R a = 1 will be taken in earthquake calculation according to 4.8.2 . In the calculation of the internal forces and capacities of the elements compatible with the applied earthquake direction and direction, the internal force directions obtained in the mode dominant in this direction will be taken as basis.

TBDY Section 4.8.2. Earthquake Calculation with Mode Combination Method - In the Mode Combination Method, the maximum values ​​of the response magnitudes in each vibration mode taken into account by using the earthquake design spectrum in the direction of a given earthquake are calculated by the modal calculation method. The largest asynchronous modal behavior magnitudes calculated for a sufficient amount of vibration modes are then combined statistically to obtain approximate values ​​of the largest behavior magnitudes. Details of the method are given in Annex 4B.

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