Building Height and Building Height Class

Building Height and Building Height Class

  • In order to determine the building height, the building floor should be determined according to the descriptions given in TBDY 2018 3.3.1. In buildings with basements that meet both the following two conditions given in TBDY 2018 3.3.1, the building floor is defined at the floor level at the top of the basement walls.

(a)  Rigid basement walls surrounding the building from all sides or at least three sides, 

(b)  In the dominant vibration mode in the direction of each of the perpendicular building axes, ratio of the natural vibration period determined for whole building, including the basement floors, to the natural vibration period determined in the same direction, without taking into consideration all the basement masses, including the ground floor slab in the same structural system, is less than 1.1 (Tp,all ≤1.1 Tp,top).

  • Item (a) of the above conditions is provided because there are shearwalls on all four sides of the building.

  • For condition (b), the program should be analyzed. According to this condition, which is automatically controlled by the program, first the analysis of the mass of the entire building, including the basement floors, is the result of the X and Y direction periods and then the X and Y direction periods from the analysis made without including the basement and ground floor weights.

  • This control is given in the Dynamic Analysis Report in the program.

  • In the program, it creates a tool for determining the building height with rigid sign in the story general settings. Then, when the conditions (a) and (b) are met, BYS class is determined.

  • The building storey is defined at the first story level at the top of the basement shearwalls. Accordingly, the building height has been determined as BYS = 3 due to Hn = 43 m and DTS = 1.

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