Steel Design Outputs

Steel Design Outputs

You can examine the steel design outputs on the building model.

Location of Steel Design Outputs Feature

You can access the Steel Design Output tab by clicking one of the commands under the Output title Steel All Failures command in ribbon menu Structural Inspection tab .

You can also access the Steel Design tab by clicking the Analysis Model command under the ribbon menu, Steel tab, Structural Inspection heading.

Design Output Types

Design output types and examples

Design output types and examples

PMM ratios

Elements with different PMM ratios are painted in different colors in the view window. From the color scale on the left of the screen, you can see which color represents which ratio.

Castellated beam design ratios

Castellated beams are painted in different colors in the display window according to their design proportions under the combined effect. Which color shows which capacity value can be seen on the color scale on the left of the screen.

Composite beam design ratios

Composite beam elements are painted in different colors in the display window according to their composite design ratio. Which color shows which capacity value can be seen on the color scale on the left of the screen.

Shear ratios - major axis

Elements with different cutting capacity ratios in the major axis are painted in different colors in the view window. From the color scale on the left of the screen, you can see which color represents which ratio.

Shear ratios - minor axis

Elements with different shear capacity ratios in the minor axis are painted in different colors in the view window. From the color scale on the left of the screen, you can see which color represents which ratio.

Axial ratios

Elements with different axial capacity ratios are painted in different colors in the view window. From the color scale on the left of the screen, you can see which color represents which ratio.

PMM failure

PMM failure present elements are colored red in the view window.

Shear failure

Elements with exceeded shear capacity are colored red in the view window.

Axial failure

Elements whose axial capacity is exceeded are colored red in the view window.

Deflection failure

Elements that exceed the deflection limit are painted red in the view window.

All failures

If there are elements that contain any or more of the deficiencies described above, they are colored red in the view window.

Connection D/C ratios

Connections with different D/C ratios are painted in different colors in the viewport. From the color scale on the left of the screen, you can see which color represents which ratio.

A frame-shaped representation has been chosen as an example image for clarity.

Connection failure

Those that contain a negativity as a result of the calculations in the designed connection are shown as a red dot in the display window.

A frame-shaped representation has been chosen as an example image for clarity.

Steel Design Tab



Design input

By selecting any of the options in the list, it is possible to display the inpıt determined by the user on the building model in the view window. You can find detailed information on the steel design inputs section.

Design output

By selecting any of the options in the list, the output determined by the user can be displayed on the building model in the view window.

Show values

If checked, the values ​​of the diagrams will be shown on the structure.

Show purlins

If it is marked, it allows the steel purlins to be displayed on the 3D frame.

Extrude elements

If checked, the frame system is shown as solid (solid). If not checked, it is shown as a line (bar).

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