TSC One-Way Shear Strength

TSC One-Way Shear Strength

  • Shear strength is calculated automatically


bw = web width or diameter of circular section
d = distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of longitudinal tension reinforcement
fck = specified compressive strength of concrete
fcd = design compressive strength of concrete
fyk = specified yield strength for nonprestressed reinforcement
fyd = design yield strength for nonprestressed reinforcement
fywk = specified yield strength of transverse reinforcement
fywd = design yield strength of transverse reinforcement
h = overall thickness, height, or depth of member
Nd = factored axial force normal to cross section occurring simultaneously with Vd
s = center-to-center spacing transverse reinforcement, in
Vc = nominal shear strength provided by concrete
Vr = shear strength
Vw = design shear strength provided by shear reinforcement, lb
γ = strength reduction factor

Nominal one-way shear strength at a section, Vr, is calculated by:

The shear strength is based on an average shear stress over the effective cross section, bwd. Therefore dimensions of the cross-section should be satisfy the maximum limit given in TS 500;

For calculation of Vc, Vw , d is taken as the distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of longitudinal tension reinforcement.

The design strength of concrete and reinforcement materials is given below.

Vc for Nonprestressed Members

For nonprestressed concrete reinforcement members, Vc is calculated using TS 500 8.1.4.

The value of Vc ;

The value of Vcr ;

γ= 0.07 for pressure and γ= -0.03 for tension.

One-way shear reinforcement

For members reinforced with transverse reinforcement, Vw is calculated using TS500 Equation 8.5

Asw is the effective area of all bar legs or wires within spacing s, for each rectangular tie, stirrup, hoop, or crosstie.

Minimum shear reinforcement is given below;

Design shear strength is limited by the maximum limit given below;

The value of fywd is yield strength of transverse reinforcement,

Shear strength provided by bent-up longitudinal reinforcement is neglected.

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