Create a New Stair

Create a New Stair

With the Create New Stair command, new stair types suitable for architectural and structural project designs are created. Stair boundaries - divided into areas and landings - and the exit line should be specified. With the path command, the outer boundaries and line of travel are drawn and turned into a stair with the Create New Stair command.

Location of the Create New Stair Command

In Architectural Program

You can access it under the ribbon menu Home tab, Concrete title.

In Structural Program

You can reach it under the ribbon menu Concrete tab, Concrete title

Usage Steps

  • Click the create new stair icon.

  • Click the stair outer contour. Then click on the line of travel you drew.

  • The stair areas dialog will open. Edit the area properties related to the stair in the dialog. Since this part will be thestair, "Type" will remain selected as stair.

  • Finish the process by clicking the OK button.

  • A stair will be formed.

Usage step

Usage step

Stair outer contour and line of travel to be created

Choosing the stair outer contour

Choosing the line of travel

Making the stair settings - Entering 300 as the total rise and 18 as the step count


Formation of the stair

Next Topic

Add Stair Area

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