Generate Steel Design Reports

Generate TBDY, concrete and steel element reports of the project whose Analysis+Design is done.

  • Click the Analysis+Design (F9) command.

  • Do you want to perform analysis? question will be asked.

  • Click the Yes button.

  • Wait for the analysis to complete in the Analysis Status window.

  • After the analysis is complete, click the OK button to close the window.

  • Open the list of Introduction Informations from the Structure Tree, Results list.

  • Structure General Information reports will open in the Report Preview window.

  • Close the Report Preview window.

  • Click on the Ribbon menu Reports tab.

  • Click on the Steel Column Report command from the Steel heading.

  • Steel column reports will be opened in the ide Report.

  • With the Fit height command, the zoom is made according to the page height.

  • Examine steel column reports.

  • Close the ide Report.

  • Click the Steel Purlin Report command in the Steel heading.

  • Steel purlin reports will be opened in the ide Report.

  • With the Fit width command, the zoom is made according to the page width.

  • Examine the steel purlin reports.

  • Close the ide Report.

  • From the perspective window, right-click the mouse to open the right-click menu.

  • Click the Solid with Edges line.

  • Double-click the left mouse button on one of the column foundation connection.

  • The Stiffened Baseplate Connection dialog will open.

  • Click on the Design Report button.

  • The connection design report dialog will open.

  • Review the steel connection design report.

Follow the steps of the video below.


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