Check Geometry and Failure

The project, which was prepared with ideCAD Architectural, was opened with ideCAD Structural. You can download the project and Check Geometry and Failure.

  • Click on the Geometry Check command.

  • Click OK in the Checklist window with all options active.

  • The cases where data entry is made incorrectly will be listed.

  • Close the Project Consistency/Input Check window.

  • Click on the Auto Label Entities command.

  • The Auto Label Options dialog will open.

  • Check the Set other stories' labels by assuming this story as base for same entities.

  • Check the Generate other stories' labels for unmatched entities.

  • Click the OK button.

  • Select all elements by clicking any point on the plan plane with the right mouse button.

  • The auto label entities dialog will open.

  • Click on the Axis tab.

  • Select the Down to up from the Labeling direction horizontal scan.

  • Click the OK button.

  • Objects will be named automatically and Labelling done information will be given.

  • Click the OK button to close the window.

  • Click on the Geometry Check command.

  • Click OK in the Checklist window with all options active.

  • Project Consistency/Input Check window is opened.

  • Information will be given objects are suitable in the window.

Follow the steps of the video below.


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