Set Project and Building Code Options

The project, which was prepared with ideCAD Architectural, was opened with ideCAD Structural. You can make project and building code selections using the Analysis Settings Wizard.

In the Analysis Settings wizard of the building information model whose structural system is being examined, project and building code options are set.

  • Click on the Analysis Settings command.

  • In the General tab, click the Project & building code options button.

  • When you click on the project and building code options button, a settings window will open where countries and various building codes can be selected. Depending on the country selection, the relevant code will be listed on the selection screen.

  • In the Country & General dialog, select Türkiye for country and Metric (tf) for units and click the next button.

  • The Codes to use dialog will open.

  • For seismic design code, select TBDY 2018, for structural steel and connection design code TÇY 2018-GKT, for reinforced concrete design code TS 500, for load coda TS 498 , for wind code TS-EN-1991-1-4 and for load combination code TBDY 2018. Click the Next button.

  • In the Bolts & fasteners dialog, select Metric for bolt & fastener types and ISO for bolt & fastener grades and click the finish button.

  • Click OK in the analysis settings dialog.

  • It warns that any design code changes will result in the program design being deleted.

  • When the Yes button is clicked, the selected project and building code options will be applied to the project.

After the code change is made, the project should be analyzed again.

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