Creating a Waffle Slab

Creating a Waffle Slab

The Transofrm to Waffle Slab command is developed to convert created slabs into waffle slab (tiled slab running in dual directions). In order to convert it to a tape, first the tiles to be converted to tape must be created.

Location of Transform to Waffle Slab

In the Architectural Program

You can access under the ribbon menu Concrete tab, Concrete title.

In Structural Program

You can access ribbon menu, Concrete tab, Concrete title.

Usage Stpes

To create a waffle slab:

Usage step

Usage step

Fading objects outside of the slab

Selecting the slab to be converted to cassette

Choosing the horizontal beam as a reference

Choosing vertical beam as reference

The formation of cassette slab

Determining the direction for beams by drawing reference

The formation of cassette slab

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