Editing Slab Hole Rebar

Editing Slab Hole Rebar

When a hole is opened on the slab, rebar arrangement is made automatically around the edges of the hole. Hole rebar is changed in the structural slab hole settings dialog.

Location of the Structural Slab Hole Settings Dialog

Double-clicking on an entered slab gap boundary opens the dialog.

Structural Slab Hole Settings Dialog





Hole rebar


By selecting the option, rebar quantity and diameter settings for hole rebar are activated.



Quantity is entered for the hole rebar.



The diameter of the rebar to be used in the hole rebar is entered.

Usage Steps

  • Define the slab hole on the slab.

  • Double click on the slab hole edge.

  • The Structural Slab Hole Settings dialog will open.

  • Enter the count and diameter values ​​for the hole rebar.

  • Close the dialog by clicking the OK button.

  • When you perform a slab analysis and receive a formwork plan, the rebar entered will be drawn at the top and bottom of the hole edge.

If slab hole rebar is not required in the formwork plan, the hole rebar line should be unchecked.

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