Creating an Arc (Center-Radius-Angles)

Creating an Arc (Center-Radius-Angles)

Arc (Center-Radius-Angles) command is one of the two arc drawing techniques. An arc is created by first determining the center and radius of the arc, then its angle (piece of the arc).

Location of the Arc (Center-Radius-Angles) Command

In the Architectural Program

Open the Primitives toolbar by clicking the Arc Through 3 Points icon under the Primitives title of the Ribbon menu Drawings tab . You can access the Arc (Center-Radius-Angles) command from the toolbar .

In the Structural Program

Open the Primitives toolbar by clicking theArc Through 3 Points icon under the Primitives title of the Ribbon menu Drawings tab . You can access the Arc (Center-Radius-Angles) command from the toolbar .

Usage Steps

  • Click the Arc (Center-Radius-Angles) icon from the Primitives toolbar .

  • Click any point in the drawing area with the left mouse button. This point is the center point of the arc segment to be drawn.

  • Drag the mouse. A virtual circle image will move with the mouse. Decide on the radius of the circle. You can also enter the radius numerically. You can use the coordinate box for this.

  • Click the left mouse button.

  • Move the mouse pointer in a counter-clockwise direction. The arc will begin to draw depending on the mouse cursor. Meanwhile, you can enter the arc angle using the coordinate box.

  • Click the left mouse button. The arc will be drawn.

Usage step

Usage step

Determining the first point (center) of the arc

Virtual circle formation with mouse movement

If desired, entering the radius value in the coordinate box - Pressing the L key, entering the 60 value and pressing the enter key

Creating a circle preview according to the value entered in the coordinate box and clicking the left mouse button

Determining the arc segment by moving the cursor counterclockwise.

Arc (Center-Radius-Angles) formation

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