A31 can be used in buildings with DTS = 3 or 4

A31 can be used in buildings with DTS = 3 or 4

The Complete Message:

Tiles with limited ductility level (A31) in one direction (ribbed) without shearwall in X / Y direction can only be used in buildings with DTS = 3 or 4.


According to the article of TBDY 2018 , structural systems consisting of reinforced concrete frames with filled (filler) or unfilled single-direction geared floor will be classified as structural systems with limited ductility level and will only be used in buildings with DTS = 3 and DTS = 4. 

For this reason, A31 selection cannot be made in structures with earthquake design class DTS = 1 or 2, and in unidirectional threaded floor (rib) systems.

Possible solutions:

  • If the building height class is BYS> = 6, one of the A23 or A24 structural systems can be selected by adding a sufficient amount of curtain / curtain group to the project, provided that the overturning moment ratio of 75% is provided in both directions . (TBDY Article

  • If the building height class is BYS <6, solution with one-way threaded (ribbed) flooring system is not allowed. (Table 4.1). Flooring system should be designed as Girder / Cassette Floor systems.

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