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Error Solution Guide
Application Limits and R Coefficient Controls
Shearwall should be used for A12.
Shearwall should be used for A13.
Shearwall should be used for A14.
Shearwall should be used for A15.
Shearwall should be used for A21.
Shearwall should be used for A22.
Shearwall should be used for A23.
A24 is selected. Shearwalls should be used.
There are shearwalls. A11 cannot be selected
Shearwalls with coupling beam is not found for A12
Shearwalls with coupling beam is not found for A14
A31 can be used in buildings with DTS = 3 or 4
A31 can be used in buildings with DTS = 3 or 4.
The condition ∑Mdev / M0> = 0.75 at mixed ductility level could not be met.
For DTS = 3, Mdev / Mo> = 0.75 must be provided.
For DTS = 4, Mdev / Mo> = 0.75 must be provided.
For DTS = 1, Mdev> = 0.75Mo must be provided.
For DTS = 1a, Mdev> = 0.75Mo must be provided.
For DTS = 2, Mdev> = 0.75Mo must be provided.
For DTS = 2a, Mdev> = 0.75Mo must be provided.
For DTS = 3a, Mdev> = 0.75Mo must be provided.
For DTS = 4a, Mdev> = 0.75Mo must be provided.
For A33 ∑Mdev / Mo> = 0.75.
For A32 ∑Mdev / Mo> = 0.75.
It cannot be used with high ductility level.
Systems with limited ductility level cannot be used for DTS 1a
Systems with limited ductility level cannot be used for DTS 2a
Systems with limited ductility level cannot be used for DTS 3a
Systems with limited ductility level cannot be used for DTS 4a
Systems with limited ductility level cannot be used for DTS 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a
For A11, (BYS)> = 3 condition is not met.
For A12, (BYS)> = 2 condition is not met.
For A13, (BYS)> = 2 condition is not met
For A14, the (BYS)> = 2 condition is not met.
For A15, the (BYS)> = 2 condition is not met.
For A21, (BYS)> = 4 condition is not met
For A22 (BYS)> = 4 condition is not met.
For A23, (BYS)> = 6 condition is not met.
For A24, (BYS)> = 6 condition is not met.
For A31 (BYS)> = 7 condition is not met.
For A32, (BYS)> = 6 condition is not met.
For A33, (BYS)> = 6 condition is not met.
Beamless (mushroom) floor systems should contain shear walls.
Beamless floor systems should be analyzed with a semi-rigid diaphragm.
Analyze by choosing the "semi-rigid diaphragm" modeling.
Select "Use seismic combinations for slab design".
Bond beam (Hollow) curtain adherence degree is not provided.
Rigid basement condition is