Column Design

Column Design

How do you design a Column with ideCAD Structural?

Column Design strength check with ideCAD Structural is done under the most unfavorable internal forces due to the general analysis determined according to International Steel Design Codes.

Column Design Definitions

  • Steel Columns are designed under compression, tension, or combined loading, depending on the loading conditions.

  • After the analysis, appropriate controls are made and reported according to the internal force situation.

Column Design under Compression

  • There are two main types of buckling, local and global buckling, in the elements under compressive force.

Local Buckling

  • Local buckling occurs when some part or parts of the cross-section of a column are so slender that they buckle locally in compression.

  • Limit values ​​for the classification of cross-sections for the local buckling boundary condition are given in Regulation 5.4 and Table 5.1A for cross-sections under compression force.

Global Buckling

  • Columns under the effect of compression may not function as an ideal compression element for various reasons. However, the bending moment does not occur due to these loads. The most important reasons are:

-Initial Curvature

-Load eccentricity

-Residual Stresses

  • Global buckling is divided into three categories: Flexural buckling, Torsional buckling, and Flexural-Torsional buckling.


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