Steel Design per EN 1993-1-1

Steel Design per EN 1993-1-1

Steel Design is explained in detail under this title.


  • Steel columns are designed under compression, tension or combined effect depending on the loading conditions.

  • After the analysis, appropriate controls are made and reported according to the internal force situation.

Design Members for Compression

  • There are 2 main types of buckling, local and global buckling, in the elements under compressive force.

Local Buckling

  • Local buckling occurs when some part or parts of the cross-section of a column are slender that they buckle locally in compression.

  • Limit values ​​for the classification of cross-sections for the local buckling boundary condition are given in EN 1993-1-1 5.5.2 and Table 5.2 for cross-sections under compressive force.

Global Buckling

  • Elements under the effect of compression may not function as an ideal compression element due to various reasons, although the flexure moment does not occur as a result of loads. The most important reasons are:

- Initial Curvature

- Load eccentricity

- Residual Stresses

  • Global buckling is divided into 3 categories: Flexural buckling, Torsional buckling and Flexural-Torsional buckling.

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Classification of cross sections per EN 1993-1-1

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