0.40 <∑Mdev / Mo could not be achieved. DMS> = 3 could not be achieved.

0.40 <∑Mdev / Mo could not be achieved. DMS> = 3 could not be achieved.

The Complete Message:

At high ductility level 0.40 <∑Mdev / Mo condition could not be met in (X / Y) direction. The DMS> = 3 condition was not met.

TBDY 2018 3.4.5 agent in water üneklik high level of bond beam (hollow) with or without in-situ or precast center by reinforced concrete walls, eccentric or sprain hindered steel moment resisting frames braced high ductility in buildings is used with frames, curtain or braced frames of the base of the seismic loads The sum of the overturning moments occurring shall not be less than 40% and not more than 75% of the total overturning moment at the base due to earthquake loads for the whole building. (Equation 4.2)

                                                      0.40 M o <∑ M DEV <0.75 M o                                               (4.2)

If the lower boundary condition of Equation (4.2) is not fulfilled , the R and D coefficients given in Table 4.1 will not be changed, but one more of the upper permitted IMS will be considered.  

Since the building height class of the project is BYS = 2, the BYS = 3 condition is requested since 0.40 M o <∑ M DEV is not provided.


You can add curtain / group curtain to your system to increase your overturning moment ratio above 0.40, or if a change is possible in the architectural project, you can reduce the height of the building and provide the BYS condition.

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