Immediate Occupancy Performance Level

Immediate Occupancy Performance Level

  • Plastic rotation limit value for limited damage (SH) performance levels is calculated automatically according to Equation 5.7 and Equation 5.8 .


θ p (IO) = Allowable plastic rotation limit for Limited Damage performance level [rad]
ε s (IO) = Allowable reinforcing steel deformation limit for Limited Damage performance level
ε c (IO) = Allowable for Limited Damage performance level confined concrete unit shortening limit

According to Article of TBDY , it is not allowed to form plastic joints in the carrier system for the Limited Damage (SH) performance level in new buildings . Therefore, for the Limited Damage (SH) performance level of plastic hinges , the plastic rotation limit value θ p (SH) must be zero.

In this case, the structure only makes elastic deformations. However, since the ŞGDT approach is applied, the effective section stiffness should be as specified in TBDY (Effective Section Stiffness of Structural System Elements

According to TBDY Article , permissible limit values ​​εc(IO) and εs(IO) Eq.( 5.8a) .

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