Immediate Occupancy Performance Level

  • Plastic rotation limit value for limited damage (SH) performance levels is calculated automatically according to Equation 5.7 and Equation 5.8 .


θ p (IO) = Allowable plastic rotation limit for Limited Damage performance level [rad]
ε s (IO) = Allowable reinforcing steel deformation limit for Limited Damage performance level
ε c (IO) = Allowable for Limited Damage performance level confined concrete unit shortening limit

According to Article of TBDY , it is not allowed to form plastic joints in the carrier system for the Limited Damage (SH) performance level in new buildings . Therefore, for the Limited Damage (SH) performance level of plastic hinges , the plastic rotation limit value θ p (SH) must be zero.

In this case, the structure only makes elastic deformations. However, since the ŞGDT approach is applied, the effective section stiffness should be as specified in TBDY (

According to TBDY Article , permissible limit values ​​εc(IO) and εs(IO) Eq.( 5.8a) .