Architecture & Structural Engineering
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Integrated Building Design
Integrated Structural Engineering
International Design Codes
ASCE 7-16 Seismic Design
ASCE 7-16 Strength-Based Design
ACI 318-19 Reinforced Concrete Design for American Standard
AISC 360-16 and AISC 341-16 Steel Design
US Materials per AISC 341-16 §A.3
General Member and Connection Design Requirements per AISC 341-16 §D1
Moment Resisting Frame per AISC 341-16 §E
Concentrically Braced Frames (CBF) per AISC 341-16 §F
Steel Element Design per AISC 360-16
Design of Steel Members per AISC 360-16
Structural Steel Column Design per AISC 360-16
Structural Steel Beam Design per AISC 360-16
Secondary Beam Design per AISC 360-16
Steel Purlin Design per AISC 360-16
Steel Braced Frame Design per AISC 360-16
Structural Steel Truss Design per AISC 360-16
Eurocode 3: Steel Design per EN 1993-1-1
EN 1991-1-4 - Wind Actions
Connection Design per AISC 360-16 & AISC 358-16
TSC 2018
TSC 2018 Wizard
Structural Steel Design Requirements of TSC 2018
ASCE 7-16 Seismic Wizard
Structural System Modeling
Structural Analysis
Earthquake-Resistant Design
Structural Design
Concrete Design
Steel Element Design
Steel Connection Design
Structural Inspection
Performance Based Design
Evaluation of Existing Buildings
Structural Risk Analysis
Formwork Scaffolding
Verification Examples
Comparison Examples
Earthquake Code Application Examples
Error Solution Guide
Quantities and Reports
Details and Layout Design