Linear Performance Analysis Criteria

Linear Performance Analysis Criteria

In order to carry out linear performance analysis in existing structures , the conditions specified in TBDY 15.5.3 and calculated by impact/capacity ratios (ECO) must be met. If any of the application conditions of linear performance analysis is not met, one of the nonlinear methods should be chosen.


BYS = Building Height Class
EKO = Impact / Capacity ratio
V i = Shear force calculated in the i'th column

15.5.3. Application Limits of Linear Calculation Methods - Linear calculation methods cannot be applied in case of any of the following situations.

(a) Building height class is less than 5 (BYS <5).

(b) The presence of the B3 irregularity specified in in the building .

(c) In reinforced concrete buildings, the average ECO values ​​of vertical ductile elements (columns, shear walls and reinforced partition walls) for each earthquake direction on any floor except the upper floor of the building are higher than the average ECO values ​​of beams in the earthquake direction.

(d) The average of ECO values ​​scaled by the shear force of ductile shear walls, ductile columns and reinforced partition walls for each earthquake direction is greater than 3 for any floor of the building other than the upper floor.

(e) The average ECO value of ductile beams in each earthquake direction is greater than 5 in any floor of the building except the upper floor. - ECO values ​​scaled with the shear force specified in items (c) and (d) above shall be calculated with Equation (15.1) .

In Equation (15.1) , i indicates the column number on the relevant floor, V i shows the shear force calculated in the i column, and (EKO) i indicates the ECO value calculated in this column according to . - the building (a) - (e) 'in case of a building of any one of the situations 15.6 ' will be assessed by one of the methods.

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