Beam Reinforcement Limits.

  • Longitudinal and Transverse reinforcement limits are controlled automatically.

International Design Codes

ACI 318-19 :

TSC 2018 :

Notation in ACI 318-19

Acp = area enclosed by outside perimeter of concrete cross section, in.2
Al = total area of longitudinal reinforcement to resist torsion, in.2
Al,min = minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement to resist torsion, in.2
As = area of nonprestressed longitudinal tension reinforcement, in2
As,min = minimum area of flexural reinforcement, in.2
At = area of one leg of a closed stirrup, hoop, or tie resisting torsion within spacing s, in.2
Av = area of shear reinforcement within spacing s, in.2
Av,min = minimum area of shear reinforcement within spacing s, in.2
bw = web width or diameter of circular section, in.
d = distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of longitudinal tension reinforcement, in.
fc' = specified compressive strength of concrete, psi
√fc = square root of specified compressive strength of concrete, psi
fy = specified yield strength for nonprestressed reinforcement, psi
fyt = specified yield strength of transverse reinforcement, psi
h = overall thickness, height, or depth of member, in.
s = center-to-center spacing transverse reinforcement, in
Tcr = cracking torsional moment, in.-lb
Tth = threshold torsional moment, in.-lb
Tn = nominal torsional moment strength, in.-lb
Tu = factored torsional moment at section, in.-lb
Vc = nominal shear strength provided by concrete, lb
Vn = nominal shear strength, lb
Vs = nominal shear strength provided by shear reinforcement, lb
Vu = factored shear force at section, lb
ϕ = strength reduction factor
λ = modification factor to reflect the reduced mechanical properties of lightweight concrete relative to normalweight concrete of the same compressive strength
ρ = ratio of As to bd

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