Calculation and Control of Relative Story Displacements.

Calculation and Control of Relative Story Displacements.


D = Strength coefficient
hi = ith floor height
I = Building importance factor
R = Bearing system response coefficient
Sae (T) = Horizontal elastic design spectral acceleration [g]
SaR (T) = Reduced design spectral acceleration [g]
SDS = Design spectral acceleration coefficient for short period [dimensionless]
SD1 = Design spectral acceleration coefficient for 1.0 second period [dimensionless]
T = Natural vibration period [s]
TA = Horizontal elastic design acceleration spectrum corner period [s]
TB = Horizontal elastic design acceleration spectrum corner period [s]
TL = Transition period to the constant displacement region in the horizontal elastic design spectrum [s]
ui = For any column or wall, Reduced displacement at i th floor
Δi = Displacement difference between two consecutive stories for any column or wall
δi = Effective relative storey drift for columns or walls at ith floor
δi,max = Effective relative storey drift for columns or shear walls on the ith floor of the building
λ = Empirical coefficient used to limit the relative storey drifts
κ = Differential coefficient used for reinforced concrete and steel load-bearing systems

Calculation of Lambda Coefficient

DD-2 default values

SDS =0.565

SD1 = 0.164

Ta = 0.2*SD1 /SDS = 0.2*0.164/0.565 =0.058

Tb = SD1 / SDS =0.389 / 1.112 =0.290

DD-3 default values



Ta = 0.2*SD1 /SDS = 0.2*0.068/0.221 =0.00615

Tb = SD1 / SDS =0.155 / 0.475 =0.307

As a result of dynamic analysis, the dominant vibration period for X and Y direction is determined by choosing the largest modal participation rates compatible with the relevant direction.