Dome & Vault Design Settings Section

Dome & Vault Design Settings Section

With the Dome & Vault Design Settings, the design parameters used in Concrete Dome and Vault Design are determined. Concrete cover, maximum and minimum reinforcement percentage etc. parameters are determined from the Dome & Vault Design Settings window.

Parameters with the ( % ) sign mean the percentage expression of the rebar ratio. It is the ratio of the cross-sectional area of ​​the reinforced concrete element to the rebar area expressed as a percentage.

For example, when a “1” is written to the minimum percentage parameter, the rebar percentage is considered 1%. Since the percentage equivalent of a 0.01 rebar ratio is 1%, it is appropriate to write “1” to this parameter.




Concrete cover

It is the distance from the center of gravity of the dome-vault tensile rebar to the outer face of the concrete.

Min. percentage

The rebar percentage determines the minimum value of the rebar to be placed in the dome or vault. The percentage value of the gross area of ​​the dome or vault specified in this parameter determines the minimum rebar area. The minimum rebar area of ​​the concrete element means that the gross section will not be less than the percentage value entered with this parameter. The rebar to be placed in the dome or vault is selected to be not less than this area.

Min. reinforcement interval

This parameter is taken into account when choosing rebar in domes and vaults. If the distance between two rebars is less than the minimum rebar spacing, the rebar diameter is increased.

Max. reinforcement interval

The distance between two rebars cannot be more than the value entered in this parameter.

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