TBDY there are shearwalls that do not meet the strong shearwall requirements

TBDY there are shearwalls that do not meet the strong shearwall requirements

In TBDY article, if H w / lw> 2.0, the moment of bearing strength of the wall sections in each floor must meet the condition given by Equation (7.3) for columns in the strong direction of the wall . Otherwise, the earthquake calculation will be repeated by increasing the perimeter dimensions and / or reinforcements .

This message is given because Equation (7.3) is not provided.

( M ra + M ) ≥ 1.2 ( M ri + M rj )          (7.3)

Possible solutions:

  • By increasing the thickness of the curtains or the length in the plan, the curtain can be stronger than the beams.

  • The dimensions of the beams connected in the long direction of the curtain can be reduced.


Mra = moment of carrying power calculated according to fcd and fyd at the lower end of the curtain's free height

Mrü = moment of carrying power calculated with respect to fcd and fyd at the upper end of the curtain's free height

Mri = positive or negative moment of bearing capacity calculated according to fcd and fyd at the column or wall face at the left end of the beam i

Mrj = Negative or positive moment of bearing capacity calculated according to fcd and fyd on the column or wall face at the right end j of the beam

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