Pile Reinforcements

The pile reinforcement concrete design results and the inadequacy of the pile are displayed in the Pile Concrete dialog. In the Pile Concrete dialog, the results of the transverse and longitudinal reinforcement and the design internal force results are given.

Location of Pile Concrete Dialog

After analysis, you can access it by clicking on the Pile command under the Concrete Design title of the ribbon menu Analysis and Design tab .

General Specifications of Pile Concrete Dialogue

Summary Information

The summary information about the line where the cursor is located is given in the name of the dialog in story, pose format.

For example BASE STORY, KZ01

Using the Shift key

In this tab, you can select more than one row with the Shift key, enter a value by double-clicking any cell whose value is open to change, and you can make that value apply to all selected rows.

Using the Ctrl key

Ctrl key, on the other hand, selects the lines in between one by one.


The cursor moves to the previous line.


The cursor goes to the next line.


It saves the changes made and closes the dialog.


Closes the dialog without saving the changes made.

Piles Tab




It is the reinforcement fixing column. If marked, the reinforcement is fixed.


Pile is the name of the foundation in the plan. (KZ1, KZ2, KZ12 etc.) In case of negativity, a term related to negativity is added next to the name. Like KZ11 (M) ..


Pile is the diameter of the foundation.


Pile is the height of the foundation.


It is the value of the rebars placed in the length of the pile foundation in terms of diameter and number.


Pile is the value of the rebars placed on the foundation as a spiral in terms of diameter and number.


It is the percentage ratio of the total longitudinal rebar amount to the pile foundation area. (Perc. = 100 * TotalAs / PileArea)


It is the percentage ratio of the amount of rebar calculated from the design effects to the pile foundation area. SRPercentage = 100 * AccountAs / PileArea

Details Tab



Table of forces

Load:  The name of the respective load or load combinations.
i: The left end of the element in the horizontal element is the lower end of the element in the vertical element.
j: The right end of the element in the horizontal element is the upper end of the element in the vertical element.
N: The axial force of the element
V2, V3:  The shear forces of the element in the 2 and 3 directions.
T: The torsion moment of the element.
M2: It is the bending moment of the element in the 2 (minor) direction.
M3: It is the bending moment of the element in the 3 (major) direction.

Design results

After the analysis, the regulation conditions have been applied, therefore it shows the end forces that have undergone changes and going to the design. In addition, the values ​​used are shown in bold. End forces are values ​​calculated on the element local axes.

Raw results

After analysis, it shows the raw end forces that are not applied to the regulation conditions. End forces are effects on the element local axes.

Global results

After the analysis, these are the values ​​in global coordinates of the extreme forces that are not applied regulation conditions.

Show individual results

For 4 modal analysis cases, 4 different results are obtained from each earthquake loaded combination. If you want the program to display the values ​​obtained for each modal state one by one, you should check this option.

Show maximums

The biggest values ​​of 4 different results obtained from each load combination for 4 different modal cases are shown in the table.

Reinforcement (calculated-required-existing)

Design: It is the name of the combination used in pile foundation reinforcement calculation.
M3 (major): It is the moment value in the 3 axis of the combination used in the pile foundation reinforcement calculation.
M2 (minor): It is the moment value in the 2 axis of the combination used in the pile foundation reinforcement calculation.
F1 (axial): It is the normal force value of the combination used in pile foundation reinforcement calculation.


Vd: It is the shear force calculated under the combined effect of vertical loads and earthquake multiplied by the load factors.


It is the maximum shear force that the section can carry.
Vmax = 0.22 fcd bw d
Ve <= Vmax or Ve <= Vr otherwise the cross section is insufficient. The program will then warn of insufficient section for the beam in question.


It is the shear force carried by concrete.
And if - Vdy> = 0.5 Vd, then Vc = 0.
Otherwise, Vc = 0.8 Vcr is calculated.


It is the contribution of shear rebar to shear strength.
Vw = (Asw / s) * fywd * d


It is the maximum cutting force value that the section can carry. The design shear force Ve used in stirrup calculation is not allowed to exceed Vr.
Vr = Vc + Vw The
contribution of the battery to the shear force is never considered in shear calculation.


And the loading that gives its value is the name of the combination.

asw/s (calculated - minimum-existing)

It is the area of ​​1 meter of single arm stirrup found for densification zone as a result of shear force calculation. And it is calculated.
If Ve = Vdy ± (Mpi + Mpj) / ln
Ve> Vmax or Ve> Vr, the section is insufficient.
And Asw / s is calculated from the formula of = (Asw / s) * fywd * d + 0.8 Vc. S is accepted as 1 meter.
And if - Vdy> = 0.5 Vd, then Vc = 0.
The asw / s value is never allowed to be less than 0.3 (fctd / fywd) * bw.

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