Adding/Deleting Stories

When the scaffolding is first created, the story height and number of stories defined in the story general settings are taken into account, the scaffolding height is calculated automatically. Scaffolding stories will be created according to the partition height. From the Story count setting, story is added later or the existing story is deleted.

Location of Story Count Setting

Select the scaffolding you want to add/delete story and click the right mouse button. Click Properties from the right-click menu that opens.

You can also access the scaffolding settings dialog by double-clicking on your scaffolding with the left mouse button.

Usage Steps

  • Select the scaffolding you will add and enter its settings.

  • Increase the story count in the scaffolding tab. For example, change the story count from three to five.

  • Click the OK button to close the dialog.

  • Stories will be added to your scaffolding.

  • You can delete your existing stories by reducing the story count.

Before increasing the story count

Before increasing the story count

After increasing the story count

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