Determination of Total Equivalent Seismic Base Shear (4.7.1)

Determination of Total Equivalent Seismic Base Shear (4.7.1)

  • Total equivalent earthquake load for each direction is calculated automatically according to Equation 4.19 .


g = Gravitational acceleration [m / s2]
I = Building Importance Coefficient
S aR (T) = Reduced design spectral acceleration [g]
S DS = Short period design spectral acceleration coefficient [dimensionless]
T p (X) = (X) earthquake direction dominant natural vibration period of the building [s]
m t = total mass of the building t = total mass of the building

Equivalent Earthquake Load Method is based on the principle that the dynamic behavior of the building in the direction of the earthquake considered in buildings with low height
can be represented by the behavior of the load-bearing system in the dominant vibration mode and the shape of this mode can be considered as approximately the inverted triangle.

The base shear force is calculated by the above equation. The mass and building importance coefficient used in this calculation and the base shear force determined as a result of the calculation are tabulated in the Dynamic Analysis report.

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