Slabs Modelling of Basement Transfer Stories

Slabs Modelling of Basement Transfer Stories - As specified in 3A.6.4 , sufficient in-plane stiffness in transitional floors floors , which are required to transfer all or most of the inertial forces that occur in the upper floors to the perimeter walls in the basement floors, which are involved in the transition from normal floors to rigid basement floors. and strength is essential. This condition is also valid for other transition floors where sudden stiffness changes are made for other reasons.

According to - , regardless of the presence of A2 and A3 type irregularities, the floors of the transition floors will be modeled according to by taking sufficient slab thicknesses . - As a result of the earthquake calculation, the forces transferred to the rigid perimeter walls in the basement floors will be calculated and it will be shown that the transition floors have sufficient strength for this transfer. If necessary, additional connection equipments will be arranged for transferring elements in floors and load transfer to curtains.

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