Internal Design Force of Elements of Building with Basement



 Extra Strength Coefficient

D alt

 Strength Excess Coefficient applied to the lower part of the building

D top

 Strength Excess Coefficient applied to the lower part of the building


 Carrier System Behavior Coefficient

R alt

 Structural System Behavior Coefficient applied to the lower part of the building

(R a ) alt

 Earthquake Load Reduction Coefficient applied to the lower part of the building

R üst

 Structural System Behavior Coefficient applied to the lower part of the building

(R a ) upper

 Earthquake Load Reduction Coefficient applied to the upper part of the building

β II (X)

 Second order magnification factor

β tE (X) 

 Equivalent base shear force magnification coefficient

4.10.1. Design Essential Internal Forces in Basement Buildings

3.3.1 'according to the definition given in the buildings where the basement surrounded by external rigid curtain above the basement upper portion from and where the basement subsection from design basis internal forces will be determined as follows: - Design essential internal forces corresponding to the ductile behavior of the structural system elements in the upper section ;

(a) In the case of calculations using the method described in 4.3.6 , the internal forces defined in (a) or .

(b) In the case of calculations by the methods described in 4.7.5 or 4.8.5 , they are the internal forces obtained in the upper section in the first loading condition . - Design essential internal forces corresponding to the non-ductile behavior of the structural system elements in the upper section ;

(a) In the case of calculations using the method described in 4.3.6 , these are internal forces defined in (b) or .

(b) 4.7.5 or 4.8.5 case from calculations made by the methods described, if the first loading upper portion from the internal forces are obtained D top will be obtained from the multiplication. - Design based internal forces corresponding to the ductile or non-ductile behavior of the structural system elements in the upper section , if necessary the second order magnification coefficient ( II (X) ≥1) defined in 4.9.2 and Modal Calculation Methods . In case of use, the equivalent base shear force defined in 4.8.4 shall be enlarged by multiplying by the magnification factortE (X) ≥1). - Design essential internal forces corresponding to the ductile behavior of the structural system elements in the sub-section ;

(a) In the case of calculations using the method described in 4.3.6 , these are internal forces defined in (c) or .

(b) 4.7.5 or 4.8.5 case from only the calculation with the described method, the internal forces obtained in the case of the second installation or wherein if the first loading subsection is the summation of internal forces are obtained. - Internal forces based on the design that correspond to the non-ductile behavior of the structural system elements in the lower section ;

(a) In the case of calculation using the method described in 4.3.6 , they are internal forces defined in (d) or .

(b) In the case of calculations with the methods described in 4.7.5 or 4.8.5 , the product of the subordinate D of the internal forces obtained from the second loading case is the internal forces obtained in the subsection in the first loading case in or . It will be obtained by adding the product of 0.6D to the top .

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