Strip Foundation Reinforcements

Strip Foundation Reinforcements

Strip foundation reinforcement design results and inadequacy of strip foundations are displayed in the Strip Foundation Reinforcement dialog. In the Strip Foundation Reinforcement dialog, the results of foundation reinforcements, internal forces and ampatment-base pressure are given.

Location of Strip Foundation Reinforcements Dialog

After the analysis, you can access it by clicking the Strip Foundation Reinforcements command under the Concrete Design title of the ribbon menu Analysis and Design tab .

General Specifications of Strip Foundation Reinforcements Dialogue

Summary Information

The summary information about the line where the cursor is located is given in the form of Story Name, in the name section of the dialog.

For example Base Story, TK25

Using the Shift key

In this tab, you can select more than one row with the Shift key, enter a value by double-clicking any cell whose value is open to change, and you can make that value apply to all selected rows.

Using the Ctrl key

Ctrl key, on the other hand, selects the lines in between one by one.

Reinforcement calculator

Calculates the amount of rebar, in area, for the selected diameter and span.


Selects the object on the line with the cursor. When the concrete dialog is closed, you can take action for the selected element.


The cursor moves to the previous line.


The cursor goes to the next line.


It is used to define certain conditions and filter only the elements that satisfy that condition.


It saves the changes made and closes the dialog.


Closes the dialog without saving the changes made.

Foundations Tab




It is the rebar fixing column. If marked, the rebars are fixed. When changes are made to the foundation rebar , DS is automatically marked and the rebar remains constant even if the analysis is made. If the DS is not marked, the rebars are determined again after the analysis according to the rebar selection conditions.


It is the name of the foundation in the plan. (TK1, TK101, TK10 etc.) In case of negativity, the term related to negativity is added next to the name. Like TK101 (Zg).

B un.

It is strip the width of the underlying foot with respect to the direction of view.


It is the width of the strip foundation beam.

B up

Strip foundation is the width of the foot on top according to the viewing direction.


It is strip foundation height.


It is the value in terms of number and diameter of the rebar located on the left support section of the foundation beam. You can make changes by double-clicking the cell.


It is the value in terms of number and diameter of the rebar located under the left support section of the foundation beam. You can make changes by double clicking the cell.


It is the value of flat rebar of the foundation beam in units and diameter.


It is the value of the pleated rebar of the foundation beam in terms of number and diameter. You can make changes by double clicking the cell.


It is the value of the mounting rebar of the foundation beam in terms of number and diameter. You can make changes by double clicking the cell.


It is the value in terms of number and diameter of the rebar located on the right support section of the foundation beam. You can make changes by double clicking the cell.


It is the value in terms of number and diameter of the rebar under the right support section of the foundation beam. You can make changes by double clicking the cell.


It is the diameter and spacing of the strip foundatin in the middle zone and densification zone, respectively. You can make changes by double clicking the cell.


It is the value of the strip foundation rebar in terms of number and diameter. You can make changes by double clicking the cell.


It is the value of foot rebar in terms of diameter and range.


It is the maximum base pressure available from a combination of fixed, mobile and horizontal loading.

Concrete Configuration Tab

You can shift the drawing left and right by holding down the left mouse button. When you click on the beam text indicating the name of the beam (K1 25/50 etc), a dialog appears showing the rebar selected as a result of the beam concrete. Diameter and / or quantity of rebar can be changed in this dialog. If desired, any rebar text value can be clicked. In this case, a dialog opens where the clicked rebar text value can be changed.

In the concrete configuration, especially the green and / or red circles that appear on the supports of continuous beams determine where the beam rebars are to be cut. If the circle is green, the rebar is continued to the next span (If the maximum length of the rebar is sufficient. This value is default 12 meters. It can be changed in the Project General Settings dialog). If the circle is red, the rebar is cut at the support. Circles are turned into red and / or green (rebar passes / does not pass) by clicking with the mouse. According to the rebar cutting status, the rebar arrangement is made automatically, excess or missing rebars can be monitored on the screen. Missing rebars are transmitted to the user in red.

Forces - Reinforcement Areas Tab



Table of forces

Load:  The name of the respective load or load combinations.
i: The left end of the element in the horizontal element is the lower end of the element in the vertical element.
j: The right end of the element in the horizontal element is the upper end of the element in the vertical element.
N: The axial force of the element
V2, V3:  The shear forces of the element in the 2 and 3 directions.
T: The torsion moment of the element.
M2: It is the bending moment of the element in the 2 (minor) direction.
M3: It is the bending moment of the element in the 3 (major) direction.

Design results

After the analysis, the regulation conditions have been applied, therefore it shows the end forces that have undergone changes and going to the design. In addition, the values ​​used are shown in bold. End forces are values ​​calculated on the element local axes.

Raw results

After analysis, it shows the raw end forces that are not applied to the regulation conditions. End forces are effects on the element local axes.

Global results

After the analysis, these are the values ​​in global coordinates of the extreme forces that are not applied regulation conditions.

Show individual results

For 4 modal analysis cases, 4 different results are obtained from each earthquake loaded combination. If you want the program to display the values ​​obtained for each modal state one by one, you should check this option.

Show maximums

The biggest values ​​of 4 different results obtained from each load combination for 4 different modal cases are shown in the table.

Reinforcements (calculated - required - existing - difference)

At the left support of the foundation beam, upper and lower; in the middle; clearance and mounting; in the right bracket; The sum of the calculated-required-existingdifference reinforcement areas is given as top and bottom. Just below, the loading combination of the reinforcement calculation and the moment values ​​of that combination are also written.

Material properties

Structural material: The structural material of the strip foundation.
fck: Characteristic compressive strength of concrete
fcd: Design compressive strength of concrete
fctd: Design tensile strength of concrete
fyk: Characteristic yield strength of reinforcement
fyd: Design yield strength of longitudinal reinforcement

Lateral reinforcement

Design combination: The name of the load combination that gives the Vd value.
End: The support on which the shear calculation is made ... (left or right)
Design shear force: It is the design shear force used in stirrup calculation.
Vcr: It is the shear force that creates oblique cracking.
Vcr = 0.65 fctd bw d  
Vc: It is the shear force carried by the concrete.
Vr: It is the maximum shear force value that the section can carry. The design shear force Ve used in stirrup calculation is not allowed to exceed Vr.
The method followed in the calculation of Vr:
Vw = It is the contribution of shear reinforcement to the shear strength.
Vw = (Asw / s) * fywd * d
Vr = Vc + Vw.
The contribution of the battery to the shear force is never included in the shear calculation.
TS500 vMax: Maximum shear force that the section can carry, determined according to TS500.
Vd: It is the design shear force used in stirrup calculation. Two Vd are calculated for the left end and the right end of the beam. The higher value is used. The shear forces at the beam end from fixed, mobile and horizontal loads are superposed and the shear force giving the greatest transverse reinforcement is calculated, taking into account the signs.
Vmax: It is the maximum shear force that the section can carry.
Vmax = 0.22 fcd bw d ü
asw / s: It is the area of ​​a single arm stirrup in 1 meter found for the densification area as a result of the shear force calculation.
Calculate Asw / s from the formula Vd = (Asw / s) * fywd * d + 0.8 Vc. S is accepted as 1 meter. The asw / s value is never allowed to be less than 0.3 (fctd / fywd) * bw.
Reinforcement:It is the stirrup reinforcement selected from the Asw / s value. It is shown as the number of stirrups, the diameter of the reinforcement, the interval in the middle and densification region, respectively.

Foot and Base Pressure Tab



Pressure values ​​and loading combination

All pressure values ​​are listed, from maximum pressure to minimum pressure, depending on the choice of loading combination.

Select load case or combination to view results

The combination in which the pressure values are shown is selected.

Minimum / Average / Maximum base pressure

Minimum base pressure: It is the minimum base pressure value consisting of all loads.
Average base pressure: The average value of the base pressure of all loads.
If the use mean pressure option is selected in the load-safety tab in the project general settings, the bottom pressure analysis is made according to this value.
Maximum base pressure: It is the maximum base pressure value of all loads.


Moment: It is the moment value used in foot concrete calculation.
As (calculation): It is the rebar area value calculated from the moment value.
As (required): It is the area of ​​rebar that must be placed as per the specification.
As (available): It is the amount of rebar placed in the foot section after the rebar selection.

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