Export to Excel

Export to Excel

With the Export to Excel command, you can export information such as story parameters, story displacements, internal forces, reinforcement bars, load cases and loading combinations to Excel.

Location of Export to Excel Command

You can access it from the menu under the ideCAD logo in the upper left corner of the screen in the ribbon menu.


Usage Steps

  • Click the İdeCAD logo in the upper left corner.

  • Click the Export/Excel.xml line from the menu that opens.

  • In the dialog that opens, a name is written on the File name line.

  • Click OK button.

  • The Export to Excel dialog will open.

  • In this dialog, the necessary selections are made and the OK button is clicked.

Export to Excel Dialog




Select data to export

Story parameters, story displacements, internal forces and reinforcement bars to be transferred to Excel are selected.

Select analysis cases/stories to export

Load cases, modal analysis cases, response spectrum cases, load combinations and stories to be transferred to Excel are selected.


By selecting the option, only the endpoints of the elements are transferred.