Shearwall Length of Vertical Wall Segment / Wall Thickness (Hw/lw ≤ 2.0) Condition (

Shearwall Length of Vertical Wall Segment / Wall Thickness (Hw/lw ≤ 2.0) Condition (

  • Except for basement perimeter shearwalls, H w / l w  ≤ 2.0 control is made for shearwalls without holes. The internal forces of the shearwalls in this condition calculated according to the R coefficients given in Table 4.1 are automatically calculated and enlarged by multiplying the coefficient [3 / (1+ H w / l w )].


D = Strength Redundancy
H w = Shearwall height
l w = Length of the shearwall on plan
R = Structural System Behavior Coefficient

Shearwalls with H w / l w  ≤ 2.0 and outside the basement perimeter walls have the shear force on the walls, while the earthquake results calculated according to the R coefficient are specified with the Resistance Excess Coefficient D and in (3 / (1+ H w / l w ) ] is enlarged by multiplying by the coefficient. As the design shear force, the shear force under the combined effect of the earthquake loads calculated by considering the Resistance Excess Coefficient D and the coefficient [3 / (1+ H w / l w )] together with the vertical loads is used.

Article TBDY 'to internal forces limits TBDY Article recited in screen design shear forces are taken into account in the calculation.

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