Application of Overstrength Factor

Application of Overstrength Factor

4.3.5. Application of Overstrength Factor - Strength Excess Coefficient D is the coefficient expressing the excess of yield strength compared to the design strength, as defined in ANNEX 4A . - The Strength Excess Coefficient will not be used in the calculation of reduced internal forces ( bending moment, tensile force, etc. ) corresponding to the high or limited ductile behavior of the structural system elements ( D = 1) . - The Strength Excess Coefficient will be used as a multiplier for reduced internal forces ( shear force in reinforced concrete elements, forces acting on joints in steel elements, etc. ) that correspond to the non-ductile behavior of the structural system elements ( D > 1 ). However, the internal forces that are increased by the D coefficients in the carrier systems with a high level of s uniformity shall not be taken greater than the internal forces compatible with the flow state at the (allowed) sections defined as a requirement of the principle of capacity design . - Detailed rules regarding the application of the Strength Excess Coefficient in building carrier systems are given in the relevant sections of the Regulation. - The Strength Excess Coefficient defined in Table 4.1 shall be applied to the reduced internal forces acting in the plane of the building floors for the relevant structural system . - Strength Excess Coefficients shall be taken into account in accordance with 4.10.1 for the structural system elements in the basement floors surrounded by rigid walls . - Rules regarding the consideration of excessive strength in forces transferred from building bearing systems to foundations are defined in 4.10.3 .

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