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Integrated Building Design
Integrated Structural Engineering
International Design Codes
ASCE 7-16 Seismic Design
ASCE 7-16 Strength-Based Design
ACI 318-19 Reinforced Concrete Design for American Standard
AISC 360-16 and AISC 341-16 Steel Design
Eurocode 3: Steel Design per EN 1993-1-1
EN 1991-1-4 - Wind Actions
Connection Design per AISC 360-16 & AISC 358-16
TSC 2018
Earthquake Ground Motion
Ultimate Strength Design Principles (USD)
Response Modification Coefficient (R)
R and D Coefficients For Seismic Force-Resisting Systems
Conditions Regarding Ductility Levels of Structural Systems
Application of Overstrength Factor
Use of Different R and D Coefficients for Upper and Lower Pats of Structures with Basement
Reduced Design Response Spectrum
Combination of Earthquake Effects for Perpendicular Directions
Vertical Earthquake Effects
Basic Combinations (Dead, live or other loads) with Seismic Load Effects.
Structural Modeling Criteria for USD
Beam and Column Modeling
Shearwall Modeling
Rectangular Cross-section Walls (
Polygonal Cross-Section Walls (
Shear Wall Modeling with Finite Elements Mesh (
Finite Element Mesh Modeling of Polygonal Cross-section Shear Walls as a Whole (
Finite Element Meshes of Shear Wall (Shell Elements) (
Finite Element Meshes of Polygonal Cross-section Shear Wall (Shell Elements) (
Equivalent Internal Forces of Polygonal Cross-section Walls ( (d))
Shear Wall Modelling with Frame Elements (
Coupling Beam and Coupled Shearwall Modelling
Basement Wall Modeling
Slab Modelling
Slabs Modelling of Basement Transfer Stories
Effective Section Stiffness
Mass Definition in Structural Modelling
Additional Eccentricity Modelling
Linear Earthquake Analysis Procedure Selection
Equivalent Lateral Force Method