Semi-Rigid Diaphragm (Elastic Diaphragm) Behavior

Semi-Rigid Diaphragm (Elastic Diaphragm) Behavior

It is the analysis of slabs by dividing them into shell elements and taking into account their deformations.

With Semi-Rigid Diaphragm Behavior;

  • Slabs are divided into shell elements.

  • Since the in-plane effects of the slab are taken into account, it gives more precise results.

  • Story masses are considered as distributed masses along the slabs.

Preferred building types;

  • Structures with plan irregularity and torsional irregularity

  • Structures with slab discontinuity

  • Structures with beamless slab system

  • Structures with rib or cassette slab system

The slab is divided into shell elements and deformations are taken into account.

  • When we compare the rigid diaphragm and semi-rigid diaphragm models, different displacement values ​​are seen in the middle region of the models.

  • In the semi-rigid diaphragm model, the displacement value is 0.163 millimeters.

Taken from ideCAD Finite Element Guidelines from pages 57 to after.

Diaphragm Modeling Selection

To model a Semi-Rigid diaphragm, select the diaphragm modeling method from the Analysis Settings dialog.



Display of Horizontal Loads

Behavior of Structure Under Vertical Loads

Examination of Transitional Storey Structures with Semi-Rigid Diaphragm

Examination of Structures with A2 - A3 Irregularity with Semi-Rigid Diaphragm

Examination of Structures with Beamless Flooring with Semi-Rigid Diaphragm

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