Diaphragm Modeling According to Regulations

Diaphragm Modeling According to TBDY 2018

According to TBDY 2018 - 4.5 Rules on Modeling of the Carrier System for Linear Calculation ;

  • Buildings with A2 and A3 Irregularities

  • Beamless Slabs

  • Systems where Rigid Diaphragm operation is not foreseen

It will be calculated according to the assumption of Semi-Rigid Diaphragm .

According to the New Earthquake Code - Chapter 7 Special Rules for the Design of Reinforced Concrete Building Structural Systems Cast-in-situ under the Impact of Earthquake ;

  • Beam Floor Buildings

  • Beamless Floor Buildings

It will be calculated according to the assumption of Semi-Rigid Diaphragm .

Diaphragm Modeling According to ASCE/SEI 7-16 Regulation

According to ASCE/SEI 7-16 Regulation - 12.3.1 Diaphragm Flexibility ;

  • Structures without Irregularity in the Plan

It can be calculated based on the Rigid Diaphragm acceptance.

According to ASCE/SEI Regulation 7-16 - 12.3.1 Diaphragm Flexibilit y;

  • Torsional Irregularity

  • Slab Discontinuities(A2 Irregularity)

  • Structures with Protrusions in Plan (A3 Irregularity)

It will be calculated according to the assumption of Semi-Rigid Diaphragm .

Structures Requiring the Mandatory Use of Semi-Rigid Diaphragm According to Regulations

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